
Our team comprises highly experienced personnel who bring decades of leadership and industry experience to our advisory board:

  1. Ms. Ritu, Executive Director, MBA
  2. Mr. Mukesh Chodha, Sr. Manager (Operations)
  3. Mr. Bhupinder Singh, Sr. Manager (Operations)
  4. Mr. Dheeraj Roy, Deputy Manager (Operations)
  5. Brig. Vijay Chopra (Retd.)
  6. Col. Rajinder Pal (Retd.)
  7. Mr. Arun Kumar Sharma, GM-Security
  8. Mr. Pranav Tek Chand, National Co-convener (Tr. & Ind. Cell)
  9. Mr. Rajesh Girotra, Chartered Accountant
  10. Mr. D. R. Singh, C.I.S.F. Inspector (Retd.), Zonal Manager
  11. Mr. Dhiraj Kumar, C.A., M.Com, LLB, General Manager (Accounts)
  12. Mr. P.S. Rathore, Team Member
  13. Mr. Rajesh Kumar, Project Coordinator